Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Love Me or Leave Me (1955)

I checked out Love Me or Leave Me, with Doris Day and Jimmy Cagney, on the recommendation of Metropolis. I enjoyed it, I'm usually not a fan of hers, but this film has more substance than a lot of hers. It's a biopic of 20's singer Ruth Etting, and her stormy relationship with Marty "the Gimp". The music is good and Doris and Cagney play well off each other. On the DVD, there is also a couple of shorts starring Ms Etting which are enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it. Doris herself has said that this is her best film. If your going to have one DD film, this is it.
    If your into cowgirls {And what American Male isn't} 'Calamity Jane' is a favorite. Check it out. Doris was apparently not aware of the lesbian overtones of her character until after it was done. Ha!
    Josh - AKA Metropolis
